One of the funnest days for the kids and of course I forgot the camera and didn't even think about the cell phone camera:( We have been waiting all week for Sarah V's shaved ice stand to open up, after missing it last week. I was chatting with Valerie online and she said that it was all set up and ready this morning so we all got dressed and gathered up some rolls of coins (the only cash in the house). Then, we walked over (they live right across the street from Grandma B) the shaved ice was
SOO good! We saw that Papa was at
Ggmom's mowing the lawn so we decided to bring him one also. Papa gave
Ayden and
Ashten rides on the riding lawn mower which of course they loved. Before Papa left
Ggmom's house he set up the sprinkler. Instantly the kids were stripping down so they
could run through it. We all had fun with the sprinkler, even
AJ. The boys ran through til they were soaked (I made them keep their pants on since it was set up in the front yard and all(even though they could have cared less if people saw them in their undies).
Ggmom brought cookies out for a little snack and then we had to get home. No one had had lunch yet and I felt a little bad that oatmeal cookies and shaved ice had made up their lunches so far, not that the kids minded at all.
Man - you had a way funner day than me! The shaved ice stand looks like it is closed for awhile, but you are welcome to come over anytime and hang out.
Yummy shaved ice and cookies sounds like a good lucnh to me.
How fun! Yea shaved ice sounds perfect right now- it was so dang out today!!!
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