AJ hanging out with me watching the boys play
Ta Daaa!
Ashten showing me how fast he could run in water
My boys
AJ deciding how he felt about the sand on the second attempt to play in the water.
Riding the "boat"
Ayden's turn
We have been waiting for some WARM sunshine. Today was so nice. I think it was about 75 or so. I packed up the kids in their swimsuits, and we went down to Dash Point Park. I also brought some school work. While I did some math homework and studied medical terms, the kids played in the water. They also made sand angels, tried riding and surfing on a log, and skipped rocks. Anderson stuck close by me for a majority of the time. He did not like the feeling of the sand touching his toes through his sandals. I tried walking him down to the water but he did not like the waves. So he stayed by me and watched for birds, yelling "doggy!" When I got done with my homework, I took AJ down to the water again. He LOVED it and cried when it was time to go. We are looking forward to some more sun and more trips to parks.
Sunny day in WA???? No way!!!
Fun, I wish we could go with you. Or I wish for the beach, or I wish for sunshine!!!! All of the above would be perfect!!
I didn't even know you were in school- show's how long it has been since we've talked! Cute pictures- looks like you guys had fun!!!
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