After the party Anderson got a shower, and I decided that I better take his two year old picture while he was in a good mood. Here a a few of my favorite pictures of him from the 'photo shoot'.
I love you SO much because:
*You are such a sweet boy.
*You always make me smile.
*You are so cuddly.
*All animals are a doggy to you, unless it's a cow...then it's a 'moo'.
*You still love to sleep (usually about 18 hours a day)
*You love your Daddy you just light up when you see him, and your brothers.
*Even though you can't say 'I love you', you try your best to sign it.
*You have a passion for your thumb, which makes me happy now, but I know I'll be sorry later.
*You surprise me everyday with your big (for a two year old) sentences.
*There's not much that you won't eat.
* You love to be helpful, as much as a two year old can. You put your dirty diapers in the garbage, bring me your jammies at bedtime, and sometimes you even put the silverware in the drawer (even though you are so little you can't even see way up there).
*I LOVE that when you hear Taylor Swift singing 'Love Story' you dance, and that your version of dancing is nodding your head up and down.
*I love the proud look you get when you jump up with both feet off the ground.
You are such a blessing to your whole family.
We love you!
Wow, I cannot believe he's two! That sweater is SO cute on him.
Oh my goodness- those pictures are DARLING! He is just the cutest little thing! And from your comment on my blog- your blog posts makes me want a boy.... :)! Too cute- can you believe our little ones are 2- seriously- crazy!
He is sweat! Happy Birthday AJ!
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