Ayden's face when revealed the truth
Ashten when we tried to tell him to look at Disneyland
Ashten in the Lego Store
AJ and the giraffe made from Lego's Isn't this pic cool? I used a panorama program that my camera came with and turned 3 pics into 1.
Ayden, Ashten, and Darth Vader...they love Star Wars
There were a lot of fountains around Downtown, the kids loved playing in them
Ashty sticking his toes in.
Daddy and AJ
Checking out the stores
We explored other areas, this was leading into the back of the Disney hotels
Ayden was all pictured out
These RC boats were kind of cool. We told the boys that their boats were working, but really we just pointed to boats that someone else was driving. It was cool because you'd be driving and then this one boat would start on fire (really) and and elephant would shoot water from his trunk to put it out. They loved it!
OKAY This is creepy! What do you think?
Ayden trying to climb the wall
We arrived!! It was so cute this morning because at this point the kids think we are still running errands for Daddy's work. When we woke up, it was still early and Daddy needed a little bit longer to rest so I took the kids over to Denny's for breakfast. When we got back, Ayden said "We are going to Disneyland today". I thought our cover was blown so I said "yep, but first we have to drive all the way home and then we'll drive to Disneyland. It will take a long time to get there though okay?" They were fine with that.
When we got to Disneyland Ashten was sleeping so we pulled into the parking lot and sat there. Ayden saw Mickey Mouse and asked if we were in Disneyland. He was so excited he woke up Ashten who wasn't too happy about it. Ayden said, "Mom, when you do the best trick ever you have to say APRIL FOOLS!" hahaha
We went and checked into our hotel and then headed to Downtown Disney, which is open to the public for free. We looked in the shops, bought some stuff, and then watched the firework show that was happening in Disneyland. We had so much fun, but the kids are really excited to see the real Disneyland!
Fun! I didn't know you were going to Disneyland- it might be because I haven't seen you in FOREVER :)!
I cannot believe you kept it a secret. If I were you I would have for sure broken down about two hours into the drive. I guess it worked well though, did they ever ask "Are we there yet?" to you. I'll have to remember that plan if we ever make it there!
Here is some dialog about the picture with the ghost lady, Ayden and the Lego block..
Amie Nicolas says (2:12 PM):
check out this creepy pic I took
Brad Betenson says (2:13 PM):
how'd that happen?
Amie Nicolas says (2:14 PM):
i have no clue isn't it weird
i didn't know that could happen on digital
Brad Betenson says (2:15 PM):
don't think it can.. She may be a ghost.
Did you ever see that lady?
Amie Nicolas says (2:15 PM):
I don't remember her being there when we took it but I don't know there were so many people around
Amie Nicolas says (2:16 PM):
its creepier the more I look at it
Brad Betenson says (2:16 PM):
I don't see any signs of there being double exposure anywhere else..
just her..
she's a ghost
Amie Nicolas says (2:16 PM):
I know!!
Brad Betenson says (2:16 PM):
see...she even has the face that says "Spirit Prison"
Amie Nicolas says (2:17 PM):
she definitely doesn't look happy to be in Downtown Disney that's for dang sure
Brad Betenson says (2:17 PM):
She doesn't have a shadow!!!!!
Amie Nicolas says (2:17 PM):
Who can I give it to?
Brad Betenson says (2:17 PM):
Shes dead..
Did you see her in the view finder when you took it?
Brad Betenson says (2:18 PM):
Why is she more focused than anything else in the picture? She's a ghost.
She's clearer than Ayden.
Amie Nicolas says (2:19 PM):
I don't remember thinking that lady is in my way
but I also haven't looked at the pics, this was my first time
like if i would have looked at them the same day I might have thought "yep that lady was in my way".
Brad Betenson says (2:20 PM):
No alive people wear scarfs like that!
Nice purse though..
Amie Nicolas says (2:20 PM):
look how her face is all bluish
I'm gonna cry now
Brad Betenson says (2:20 PM):
no blood in her body, that is truly apparent.
I would say she has been dead for at least 38 hours before this picture was taken
Although judging by her mass I could be off by nearly 48 hours.
Amie Nicolas says (2:22 PM):
You aren't taking into account the temperature at time of death
Brad Betenson says (2:23 PM):
You are saying the heat made her bloated? Good observation..
Amie Nicolas says (2:23 PM):
thank you CSI:Miami
you've taught me all that I know
Brad Betenson says (2:27 PM):
Do you see her movement marks? The movement makes it look like she is walking backwars..
but facing forwards...you can really see it on her hand and face... orange streaks
Amie Nicolas says (2:28 PM):
look at her scary eyes!
Brad Betenson says (2:29 PM):
Do you think she is looking at Ayden?
Amie Nicolas says (2:29 PM):
i hope not
Amie Nicolas stopped sharing photos
Amie Nicolas says (2:30 PM):
i had to close it cause she is creeping me out
Brad Betenson says (2:30 PM):
Send it in to Unsolved Mysteries.
Amie Nicolas says (2:31 PM):
i know i bet they can do a test to see if its just double exposure
Brad Betenson says (2:31 PM):
We will solve the Missing Lady from 1812 with a 2008 bag... we'll be rich
The Mystery Looter
I can see it now in the headlines..
"Brother and Sister solve case from 1812: Shoplifting Ghost"
Amie Nicolas says (2:32 PM):
in Downtown Disney
Brad Betenson says (2:33 PM):
It is the happiest place on earth.. when the ghosts get the merchandise they want!
Amie Nicolas says (2:33 PM):
for free
Brad Betenson says (2:33 PM):
5 Ghostly Finger Discount.
But it looks like the purse is dead too!!!!!! Scary
Brad Betenson says (2:36 PM):
I know how you got the double exposure.
Amie Nicolas says (2:36 PM):
the ghost? o how?
Brad Betenson says (2:37 PM):
You took a picture on Auto focus and then accidentally switched to manual mid click.
Amie Nicolas says (2:37 PM):
can you do manual focus on a digital?
it doesn't have a lens to twist
Brad Betenson says (2:37 PM):
oh....then i don't know how you did it.. unless you mashed some other button while you were taking the picture.. and she happened to walk by at the right moment. For example.. Portrait setting to Macro.. (person, flower)
Amie Nicolas says (2:39 PM):
yeah maybe
Brad Betenson says (2:40 PM):
I'll stick with something easier to accept.. SHE'S DEAD!
Amie Nicolas says (2:40 PM):
I think so, that about sums it up
I'm glad I'm not the only crazy one
Ashley, I know I never see you at church even when I DO go haha. I have been MIA for a long time now, but I swear I'm coming on SUnday no matter what?!?
Stephanie, no they didn't ask anythin other than one time randomly asking where we were going, and I just told them about the errands for Daddy's work. It was probably the most pleasant drive ever hahah.
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