Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jaydeen's Petting Zoo

You look like a donkey and you smell like one too!

On Saturday, Armand did not go to work Woohoo! We hung around the house until lunch time and then went over to have some Pho Hoa. (I love that my kids eat anything and everything, it took a year or two of torture for anyone who ate with us but now that we have pushed through the hard times it's so nice to know that wherever we go, they won't starve.) Anyways, afterwards we ran super fun errands to Costco and Best Buy. The kids actually love going into Best Buy so that was pretty fun for them. They love playing with all the cell phones and cameras etc. Anyways, after that we went home and walked over to the library. They were having a petting zoo. We didn't really know what to expect but they had a little goat, a mini horse, a donkey, doggies, a chicken, a peacock, and a bunny. It was set up in the parking lot outside, it wasn't huge but it was more than I expected, I was thinking cats, dogs, bunny. Ashten's favorite animal to see was the peacock, which we couldn't pet. Ayden's favorites were "everything"!


The VanderHoevens said...

They were having a petting zoo at the zoo by your house? Just randomly? Weird - but still wish I knew! Thanks for calling - I will try not to have hurt feelings ;)

amie979 said...

HELLLO, I put it on the "Free things to do this summer email" Did you NOT receive it;) Better check it out...I pretty much want to go to all of them so if you want to go to anything CALL ME!!