Sunday, October 26, 2008

Is it a Ghost?

Nope it's AJ Anderson was sleepy at church of course, so towards the end of church, Daddy, Me, and AJ went in the hall and waited for classes to get out. I put the blankie over AJ thinking he would just take it right off. Instead, he left it on for over ten minutes. At first he sat really still. Then, he started tipping over like he was about to fall asleep and then he'd catch himself and sit back up straight. Then he decided to start spinning around and around on his bottom. He finally stopped when the kids started running through the halls after church. What a goofball.


Megs said...

Wow, I thought you were dead, you haven't blogged in like a week!! I guess that's what happens when Super Saturday comes around!! How did that go?

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!! What's he going to do when he's in nursery- well I'm sure the kids will keep him awake!!! :)

The VanderHoevens said...

He was so funny last week. He must have just realized church was an excellent place to sleep :)

J and H Hunsaker said...

He cracks me up!!!!!!!!!!!! When Jared was little he would fall asleep in his crib with the blankets over his head!!! I think AJ needs to have a talk with Jared and tell him it's ok to sleep in past 6AM!!!!!!