Monday, June 2, 2008

No More Nursing

Over this last weekend I stopped nursing Anderson. He doesn't seem to mind at all but he has the funniest eating habit. He always kneels wherever I give him the bottle or sippy cup (which is usually the kitchen). It looks so funny and has got to be a little uncomfortable but he seems happier doing that than when I make him crawl to the living room to get his milk. I'm relieved because I thought he would have a hard time converting to bottle/sippy only and kind of sad to stop nursing (I wanted to go the full year, which I was only short about 3 weeks). I guess I'll just have to get pregnant again, since for the last 5 years I've pretty much always been either pregnant or nursing.
What do you think? ;)


Heidi said...
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Matt and Carla said...

The stop nursing thing is always such a bitter/sweet moment! The whole bonding/attachment thing seems over (which it's really not) but on the other hand you seem to have so much more time on your hands. So yes, if you're feelin it and ready dive right in to another, that's what I say! Your boys are too cute to just stop at three...hey maybe even a litle more female power would be nice this round, either way...that's exciting!