Sunday, August 31, 2008
Who Turned Out The Lights?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
O Canada...Or Not!
Here is a story that happened at Edaleen's I thought it was kind of funny (and embarrassing). Ayden earlier at the Duty Free began to notice ALOT of men wearing turbans. I'm not sure where he learned it but he told me that they were Indians. I was trying to explain that we don't need to point and yell it out and that there are people from different countries that wear turbans so we shouldn't just call them all Indians. (I hope I am right about this--I just tried to Google it and it looks like I am) Anyways, so at the dairy he saw another man with a turban and he got really excited and I said to him "remember what we talked about." This is what happened next.
Ayden to man: "Hi"
Man: "Hi"
Ayden: "Hi, Indian"
Me in my head: "Oh my Gosh!! Where can I run and hide?"
Man with a big smile: "Hi!! Muy Bien! Ah, very good!! Are you Americans?"
Me in my head: O, thank goodness he thought Ayden said Muy Bien!...."Yes we're Americans"
Man with confused look on his face: "Oh.... You're Americans?"
HAHA I know I will be embarrassed by the boys so many more times in my life but so far this one is the winner. I AM glad that Ayden was so excited about it and I hope that he will continue to love all people and be excited to learn about them.
Friday, August 29, 2008
For All Eternity
Wes and Kristin and the Varney's
Ayden scaling the temple-this is probably frowned on.
The Temple was under a little construction
A sign of things to come? Three boys and a girl?
AJ was SO tired after the long day. We went through McDonald's drive thru and got chicken nuggets, in the middle of his first nugget he passed out nugget in hand.
Today we went to the temple for the sealing of Wes and Kristin and Kristin's parents also were sealed together. It was an awesome experience, I was very touched by her parent's sealing. There is something very cool about being together so many years and that they still want to be together for eternity!! I thought it was very sweet. Toni watched the boys in the waiting room and said that they were good boys. The boys really enjoyed walking around the temple grounds together.