Ashten was trying to reach as high as he could. The bottom was jammed packed while the top was bare.
Good job boys!
We almost always set up our Christmas tree and decorations after church on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. So after the kids and I took a long nap, Armand and I got out all of the decorations from the garage. Of course, when I went to set up our tree I remembered that last year I had put new lights on it and only got a third of the way done. Doing lights is my biggest pet peeve. So I called Mom and Dad who had bought a tree for me on Black Friday, I was going to buy it from them so we could use it this year but they decided that I could just have this present early! Thanks! You are life savers!! After the boys and I got home from picking it up we spent the next two hours getting it all decorated. They were so excited. Even AJ was getting into it putting ornaments on the tree, but he pulled off more than he put on. We had to remove all the bottom glass ornaments and move them up high. I hope he doesn't do too much damage. When the other boys were little we had years with a tree on top of the dining room table, a year with no tree, and years with strings of cereal and bells, because it was the only things they couldn't really destroy. This year I am just going for it because I think between the four of us we can keep AJ away from the tree.