Thursday, September 11, 2008

Back to School

Ashten and Ayden
"Mommy, the boat is sinking!"
Wes and his "girls"
Double fisting the apples we picked from a tree on the way to the park
Ayden loves to go SUPER high while Ashten will just leap off if he thinks he's been pushed too hard (which seems weird to me if I thought someone pushed me too hard I would hold on for dear life) Today, Wes had planned for us to walk to NE Tacoma Elementary School to play. Both Wes and I attended this school when we were young. The kids love to yell out "that's where you went to school when you were a little girl" whenever we drive by. So they were very excited when I said that we were going to walk there and play on the toys. They had a great time playing but didn't so much care for the was very hot out and there wasn't a lot of trees shading the walk there. Besides playing on the big toy they also played fetch with the dogs (who couldn't have cared less) and fetch with each other. At one point when the whistles blew ending recess I told Ayden to sneak into a class and pretend he was in Kindergarten. He took me too seriously and was upset when I didn't let him. Poor guy, it's just one more year! The school has been remodeled to an unrecognizable point as well as the playground and the park, but it was fun to go there and swing on the swings with my boys. I felt just like I was back in elementary school again.

1 comment:

Sarah J. said...

Wow- you sure are a busy mom! Seems you're always taking your boys to the park (you're making me look bad!) :)