Monday, September 29, 2008

My Little Runaways

Today, something happened that at first I did not even consider posting for many reasons, mostly having to do with my feelings of shame or embarrassment because I inadvertently let it happen. Then, I started to think about the day and what were the major events that I should put in my "journal" (blog). Although it is fun that our family and friends who live away from us get to see into our daily lives, this is our families way to keep a journal and if I want to keep it real and honest I should not leave things out. So please don't judge me just imagine how you would feel if it happened to you.

The kids have made some new friends with our next door neighbors. At first, we didn't let them go anywhere but the driveway. But they started venturing out so as a family we had agreed that this was okay and that they could play with them in the cul-de-sac or right across the street in the grass. They have been doing really well sticking to the rules and I check on them every few minutes. Today, my Visiting Teacher stopped by, as she was leaving I called to the boys to make sure and stay out of the way. They said they were being good and that they were okay. I went back in the house as I was making dinner, Anderson was waking up and wanted milk and a diaper change, I had to go to the bathroom, and I was switching over the laundry. Five minutes after my VT left I got a phone call on my cell phone. It was Cassi. She asked where I was and I told her I was at home. She told me that she found Ayden and Ashten holding hands, walking down the street. They had decided to walk to Grammy's house and they told Cassi that I was there waiting for them. I don't even know what I thought next but, I ran down the street and looked because I didn't really believe it. As Cassi was driving by she saw a car stop to talk to them. Cassi had just happened to decide at the last minute to take the long way to her destination. I am truly blessed for this, what would I have done if someone else had picked them up. I am so thankful that she followed the spirit. I love my boys so much, I could not live without them. I have definitely learned a few lessons today. My kids can't be trusted alone for even a minute, they have no fear, five minutes is longer than I think, dinner laundry and bathroom can wait until later, and Mommy can only put on a brave face for so long before she breaks.


Stephanie said...

Amie, that's scary! I am also so glad Cassi followed the spirit and that your boys are all safely home. What stinkers though, telling Cassi you were waiting for them!

Analisa-creator of hairblingzcutethings said...

i'm so glad they were ok. i'll share a similar story w/ you about izy. remind me...luckily my borther in law followed the spirit too.

Jaime said...

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! You poor thing. That is so scary. Just so you know...I am sure almost every parent has a similar story (whether they admit it or not). We have to be "on watch" 24-7. It just isn't humanly possible. I am glad that they are ok. Cassi deserves a big smooch.

J and H Hunsaker said...

Oh Amie I am so glad they are ok. Jon had to do a code adam at Walmart for Jared and lucily I listened to the spirit and stayed put. Scary how we turn our backs for a second or let them play outside in the front and think they are ok. I too at times rethink letting them outside by themselves and I never would judge you, we all make mistakes that is what being a parent is all about :)

Juli and Brett said...

That is so scary! I am glad they are ok. I don't have any kids, but I am a teacher and I know that you cannot always be on watch just like the others have said. I hope you don't feel too bad about this situation!

The VanderHoevens said...

You mean you don't watch your kids 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week? If any parent says they do, they are full of it. I have so been there, done that - see my IKEA story a while ago! It is scary! Thank goodness they were being watched out for!